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Dieses Thema hat 138 Antworten
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Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

21.08.2008 20:38
#61 RE: Proberaum Antworten


Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

23.08.2008 16:56
#62 RE: Proberaum Antworten
mein spendenlink hat sich geändert
matze Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 410

23.08.2008 22:02
#63 RE: Proberaum Antworten
da kann man ma ins neue album reinhörn

Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

24.08.2008 21:46
#64 RE: Proberaum Antworten
hier ein logo von meiner "erotikseite"
Angefügte Bilder:
ThE MoThErFuCkInGfEmAlEfUcKeR Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 294

04.09.2008 14:49
#65 RE: Proberaum Antworten
falls wer noch teppich, auslegware, schränke, regale, staubsauger oder so rum zu liegen hat und nicht mehr braucht dann bitte für den proberaum spenden

ich würde die sachen auch abholen


Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

05.09.2008 16:53
#66 RE: Proberaum Antworten

dann mach dich mal aufn weg ich ahab da noch was rumzuliegen


ThE MoThErFuCkInGfEmAlEfUcKeR Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 294

05.09.2008 20:07
#67 RE: Proberaum Antworten

mach ich
evtl nicht sofort aber irgendwann
was haste denn da?

aber dafür das ich hier jeden tag fleißig für dein pennerkonto spende
könnteste ja auch mal was mit nach sdl bringen


ThE MoThErFuCkInGfEmAlEfUcKeR Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 294

11.09.2008 16:11
#68 RE: Proberaum Antworten


Misery Index - Imperial Ambition

From Unchallenged Doctrines Before
When "Manifest Destinies" Carved
Nations From Innocent Blood
That Soaks This Wretched Earth Yet More
To The Passing Of History's Dream
From Kingly To Corporate Elite
In Glory These Conqueror's Thrust
Their Pious Swords Of Empire

Their Colonies Staining The Map
Their Pawns Imposing The Class Division
Another Imperial Act
Cloaked In The Shroud Of "Liberation"

Is It Freedom's Mission Or The Fascist Vision?
Is It Christ Compassion Or Coerced Conversion?
Sanctified Industry And Savior Modernity!

Spreading Over Oceans
Crusading On Hypocrisy
This Modern Greed Ambassador
Comes Masked As Democracy
Your God Is Chosen

Is Oil The Blood Of Their Christ
Cold, Dripping And Black
As Each Corpse Pays To Enhance
Their Burning Lust For Opulence?
Holding The Cross In Their Hand
The Priests Of Capital Feast
And Devour The Fruit Of Their Land
In Consecrated Warlust

The Patriot's Honor's Unquestioned
As The Carrion Rots In His Backyard
And What Noble Intentions Are Not
Born From The Bottom Of Tyranny's Heart?

Is It Freedom's Mission Or The Fascist Vision?
Is It Christ Compassion Or Coerced Conversion?
Saving Humanity With Poverty's Liturgy!

On The Flag And Bible Stand
Their Moralistic Monarchy
With Red, White And Blood
Smeared Over Eyes Deceived
The Crowds Will Follow

Force Feeder Of Fiction And Lies
Your Nation Is Lost And Dead

Another Map Drawn, Another State
Yet Another Victim Of The Terror Fear Mandate
Another Page Turned, Another Book Burned
Onward Christian Soldiers, Let Them Burn!

Misery Index - Angst Isst Die Seele Auf

Thrust into this competition naked and undone
Back to back
yet divided on our own
Fear breeding fear
exploding pressures on
we're locked away in self-made chains

Run out through the windows and into the streets
terror abounds as each man lives in fear
dread consumes their day
the public is passive
and lame
lock up the doors and let out the wolves
a fratricidal race
given the chance you'd sit down to eat
yet conciousness is sacrificed
this alter is never short on heads
stare in his eyes
your brother - this man
yet your fear will breed resentment
why can't you say a word?

Zu Hause wie im Krieg,
Waffen und Hass zuhauf

Casualties of human life drift in the crowds
they're standing on the margins - nullified
outside the world keeps turning under the sun
while inside the sould is boiling over

This hate for the other is hate for yourself
the cancer condition
the dead-end ambition
you'll eat yourself alive
submit to the anger
the coming of vengeance
the cult of uncaring
the chaos of living
and face this world alone
the hooks in your mouth now you'll swallow the bait
distorting your vision
you'll drink from their poison
so ripened for this fall
you take from the worst and give up the best
but never forget you're a human breathe
but can you think?

Zu Hause wie im Krieg
Waffen und Hass zuhauf
in den Kopfen nur Furcht
Angst isst die Seele auf

the truth is something made
not something that's found
so burn all inhibitions to the ground
these politics of dread are a hammer to the head
a life of fear is life among the dead...these barriers are built
for us to tear them down.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Paint It Black

I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
With flowers and my love both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day
If I look hard enough into the settin' sun
My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
Hmm, hmm, hmm,...
I wanna see it painted, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black

Napalm Death - Silence Is Deafening

Rant long and loud
Repeat 'til you're blue in the face
Ever get the feeling you're always on a losing streak?

Their silence is deafening
From the havens of thieves and kings

Empower those who serve to deflect suspicious minds
Action and answers as likely as a reversal of time

Their silence is deafening
From the retreats of tamed apologists
Their disdain is crippling
For those whose crises they have fixed

I am your "untermensch" - a trace of filth to be scraped off
A trace of filth to be scraped off

Yet when it's you who's in their debt
The strong-arm brings you to your knees
So much for "progressive authority"
A trace of filth to be scraped off

Power for the powerless - well, where?
Screaming at the wall to make more sense...

... I melt back into indifference

The silence is deafening
The silence is deafening
The silence is deafening

weiter hin geplant Kill your mother rape your dog, evtl. irgendwas von kataklysm "crippled & broken" oder so, was leichtes von nile "lashed to a slave stick" zB, all shall perish "Wage Slaves" oder "there is no business to be done on a dead planet", babykille von devourment


Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

14.09.2008 17:08
#69 RE: Proberaum Antworten


Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

08.10.2008 20:58
#70 RE: Proberaum Antworten

kommt nach heiliger säufer eigentlich noch ne stufe


Hallunke Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 229

09.10.2008 18:56
#71 RE: Proberaum Antworten

Frag den Admin...

monogrind Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 338

10.10.2008 17:57
#72 RE: Proberaum Antworten

die nächste bei 350

ThE MoThErFuCkInGfEmAlEfUcKeR Offline

Heiliger Säufer

Beiträge: 294

17.12.2008 18:09
#73 RE: Proberaum Antworten

bin jetzt auch dabei
bitte mal für mich spenden

Obcene Ossi Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 436

21.12.2008 04:13
#74 RE: Proberaum Antworten


matze Offline

Legendärer Alkoholiker

Beiträge: 410

31.12.2008 14:03
#75 RE: Proberaum Antworten

oh großer poetron beschenke uns mit deiner allwissenheit
oh großer Alanis Morissette Lyric Generator du schöpfung des Dichterhimmels

"Will to Live"

I feel miserable
Pain make me ill
I feel miserable
Sorrow tear at my foundations
I feel miserable
Destruction are dragging me down to the depths of misery
I want to die

Is it because of lies that I feel this way?
With the black rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Or am I lost in tale of sokubus, adrift far from home
I don't think so, I don't think so.

Darling Broke My Will to Live
Darling Broke My Will to Live
Darling Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Darling Broke My Will to Live

I feel miserable
Endgame rot the flesh from my bones
I feel miserable
Death defeat my purpose
I feel miserable
Suffocation are doing their best to impale my soul
I want to die

Is it because of lies that I feel this way?
With the black rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Am I lost in tale of sokubus, adrift far from home
I don't think so, I don't think so.

Darling Broke My Will to Live
Darling Broke My Will to Live
Oh God, darling Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Darling Broke My Will to Live

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